Saturday, August 4, 2012

Orders of Committeeship

Government of Manitoba, Mental Health and Spiritual Health Care

254 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0B6

Phone:  204-945-3701
Toll Free:  1-866-MANITOBA (626-4862)


This website describes Orders of Committeeship and the procedure to have an Order of Committeeship issued.

*Family members have the first right to apply for committeeship. 
The Office of the Chief Provincial Psychiatrist/Director of Psychiatric Services is responsible for numerous legislated and non-legislated functions.

Note:  Health Professionals can call 204-788-6676 for the instruction sheet on Orders of Committeeship, and what is required in order to expedite the process of issuing an order of Committeeship.

For more info on Committeeship:
Public Trustee of Manitoba - Committeeship
A Guidebook for people appointed as committees.

Link to the online guide:

1 comment:

  1. What happens when the mental health act is not followed by the head my case my siblings were not notified of the intent,they were not notified of the result.i have never received a certificate of incapacity.nor have my siblings.2 certified registered letters that someone else signed for.did not receive either letter until it was to late.


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